Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Processed photo

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Camera app

When I processed this photo through lo-mob, I got that warm and fuzzy 35mm feeling.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


Apparently, 12(+) is the age that one can be exposed to the following: Infrequent/mild alcohol, tobacco, or drug use...

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Monday, August 23, 2010


TV script has proved to be a good distraction from my book. I am slowing down and seeing more nuances in my characters. It's like we're drinking a pot of coffee across the table from one another vs me just looking at a photograph of them and trying to write them. The distance from the story has broadened my scope in a good way.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Feel like I should be writing something. Two days of planning and a treatment draft to show for it. It's not entirely off the mark, but not thorough enough. I knew there would be holes. Lots left to do. This will be a fun project I'd I can learn as I go.

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Kids played adults in soccer this morning. 1st game. That's a game for new energy. Mine is sputtering right now. Fun, though.

Friday, August 20, 2010

For some reason, I enjoy my virtual fish much more than I would a real one. Perhaps it's because I don't have to clean the tank.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Too many todos

I have made todo app obsession my past time today. My sister swears by ToDo - and I respect her opinion about EVERYTHING. But I have recently become fond of Toodledo because (I got it for free &) it syncs better than anything. Even ToDo syncs with Toodledo.

But... I do like ToDo for iPad. Could be cuter, but the UI is very nice. Worth the sale price. I have to say, I bought it to hoard. I could get turned on to it later, but I definitely wouldn't buy it for $9.99.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Scored big Pocky at the Asian grocery. Wish I hadn't.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010


Podcast Episode19 A day in the REWORK writing process37signals
Podcast Episode19 A day in the REWORK writing process Matt Aug 10. 4 comments Latest by pht. Time 2348 | 08102010 | Download MP3 ...

The Process

More process.

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How is writing for video games similar to writing for comics?

Writing for video games:

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On Love and Fortune | Culture | Vanity Fair

Nicholas Sparks interview

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Ape plays with DS

Most people would have kept it. But an ape found a DS in his enclosure, played with it and threw it back.

Just plain sick.

Some guy almost had his cat for dinner. Thank goodness for traffic lights.