Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm trying to learn jazz piano. I played as a child. I quit when softball tournaments kept me from lessons and practicing. But I'm making an effort now. It's my children that keep me from practicing these days. If I wake up early enough, I've got a chance. What I need to know is what do I do with my left hand.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I'm currently a stay at home mom. I've been "at home" since my third child was born four years ago. I started this blog to hopefully talk to some adults with similar circustances and interests. Having said that, my inteests are as follows: my family's welfare and happiness, the furthering of the Kingdom of God, jazz music, playing jazz piano (beginning), writing memoir and fiction, documentary filmmaking, reading, staying fit, and women's fastpitch softball.

Being a mother of four beautiful children, I don't have time to do any of these things, but it would be nice to talk about them.